
Food Forest attempt

We live on a stop bank so have a great deal of wasted space out the front that is on a sharp west facing incline. I've spent the last couple of years building up the soil levels, as originally it was a thin layer of topsoil over a layer of compacted clay. Theoretically, it belongs to the council, but I figured if I have to mow it, I may as well get some food out of it in the process :)

Garden progress

Current plantings in garden

Current activities in garden

Nothing is currently planned here.

Suggestioned companions

basil black walnut broccoli broccoli cabbage cabbage cannabis cannabis carrot carrot cauliflower cauliflower chervil Common Fig english walnut feverfew garlic goumi berry hinds's black walnut honeysuckle horseradish kale kale kohlrabi kohlrabi leek leek melon melon rosemary rosemary rue sage sage St. John's wort St. John's wort strawberry strawberry thyme thyme tomato walnut

Previously planted in this garden


borage borage
pot marigold
photo of this garden

About this garden

Owner: Mordae

Collaborators: None

Location: Paeroa, New Zealand

Area: 50.0 square metres

Mordae's gardens