This year I accidentally produced approximately 6 billion cabbages. This immediately lead to problems, as not wanting to waste anything and reading that all parts are edible, I set about home canning, freezing and doing about every variation of stuffing something into a cabbage…
Cabbage Brassica oleracea
How to sow cabbage: Direct seed indoors, transplant seedlings outside after hardening off.
Sun requirement for cabbage: Plant in Full Sun
Cabbage has been planted 33 times by Growstuff members.
Cabbage is a member of the Brassica family and related to kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. It's dense, layered heads grow on stalks and are surrounded by looser outer leaves. It's leaves can be green, white, or purple in color, and smooth or crinkly in texture. Depending on the variety, the head can be round, oblong, or flat. Cabbage prefers cooler temperatures and is best planted in the spring or fall.
living and reproducing in a single year or lessMedian lifespan
18 weeksFirst harvest expected
26 weeks after plantingLast harvest expected
30 weeks after plantingHeight
40cmRow Spacing
blue lake bean cuminPhotos
Cabbage crops
Cabbage plantings
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January king cabbage
red cabbage
Savoy cabbage
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What people are saying about cabbages
pandemic baking - use for those eggshells
by shiny,
There's so much baking going on here, stuck at home under the nationwide pandemic lockdown – and when we can get eggs we end up with many eggshells. These can be crushed and placed around the base of brassica like cabbage and broccoli. Snails and slugs don't …
cabbages broccoli
Read moreThe nets are up
by shiny,
Due to the pandemic lockdown, I can't go to the hardware store to get things. I've been in semi-isolation since the start of march, and we've been in nationwide lockdown since last week.
I needed to set up the nets to keep out the white butterfly. I've had to be creative and i've had to recycl…
cabbages broccoli
Read morePlanting outdoors & fruit trees
by maco,
Today I transplanted the cabbage and onion seedlings outside and planted seeds for: arugula, garlic (well, cloves, not seeds–forced in the fridge), mesclun salad mix, kale, cauliflower, and …
cabbages onions arugula garlic kale cauliflowers beets apples peaches almonds plums
Read moreGetting ready for spring!
by maco,
I've got seeds either on-hand or ordered for just about everything I'm starting from seed this year. I've been working out what I want to plant, and this is the plan I've come up with for the 72 square feet of my backyard raised beds:
![garden plan](…
arugula basils beets cabbages cauliflowers cucumbers eggplants garlic kale lettuces onions oregano parsley Hungarian wax peppers bell peppers zucchini yellow summer squash butternut squash sweet potatoes tomatoes super sweet 100 tomatoes chamomiles
Read moreHow to grow cabbages
Grown for: whole plant (12) leaf (3)
There are 1 growing guides on Open Farm
cabbage is a variety of Brassica oleracea
Alternate names
See who's planted cabbages
Cabbage harvests
CloCkWeRX harvested 1.
3 months ago.
CloCkWeRX harvested 3 .
about 1 year ago.
CloCkWeRX harvested 4 .
about 1 year ago.
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