Chicken simmered in broth and white wine,with lemon, crispy sage leaves, polenta chips with parmesan, and a salad of arugula , pear and candied walnuts.
Salvia officinalis
How to sow sage: Direct seed indoors, harden seedlings off before transplanting outside.
Sun requirement for sage: Plant in Full Sun
Sage has been planted 48 times by Growstuff members.
Sage is an evergreen shrub with woody stems, soft green-gray leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is in the Mint family (Lamiaceae), and is perennial in Zones 4-8. It can be used fresh or dried, and has culinary and medicinal uses.

living more than two yearsFirst harvest expected
24 weeks after plantingHeight
50cmRow Spacing
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Alternate names
common sage
garden sage
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Sage harvests
shiny harvested not specified.
over 5 years ago.
shiny harvested not specified.
over 5 years ago.
shiny harvested not specified.
almost 6 years ago.
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