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by bloominguru,

Does anyone use a gardening app they like? And what do you like about it?


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Almost ready to start seeds

by maco,

Today I went down to my local garden center, having measured the little closet that houses my sump pump, to get seed-starting supplies. I got two "Jump Start" T5 lighting rigs. I also picked up a Jump Start heat mat for seedlings to add to the one I already had. Add some trays and one new plastic…

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First garden in years!

by 14thAveGarden,

Yay! I just recently moved to a new place where the landlord doesn't care what we do and so theres two plots 240sqft and 380sqft (620sqft total!) My coworker is going to help me with everything and we will share everything. So far we dug up the lawn, tilled it, layered some chicken poopy straw…

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Getting ready for spring!

by maco,

I've got seeds either on-hand or ordered for just about everything I'm starting from seed this year. I've been working out what I want to plant, and this is the plan I've come up with for the 72 square feet of my backyard raised beds:

![garden plan](…

tomatoes sweet potato sweet potatoes butternut squash butternut squash yellow summer squash yellow summer squash zucchini zucchini bell pepper bell peppers Hungarian wax pepper Hungarian wax peppers parsley oregano onions lettuce lettuces kale kale garlic eggplant eggplants cucumbers cauliflower cauliflowers cabbage cabbages beet beets basils arugula arugula chamomiles super sweet 100 tomato super sweet 100 tomatoes
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Aloe vera

by Cesy,

aloe vera is rapidly becoming my favourite unkillable plant, taking over from spider-plants because not only does it seed everywhere, survive me forgetting to water it for weeks, survive me over-watering in guilt when I remember, and not appear to care whether it has sun, shad…

aloe vera
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Compost and raised beds

by juliet,

Dug out half the compost heap again – the fruit trees (apple, fig, cherry) and grape vines all need a good feed.

When I made the first four raised beds (3 years ago), I mis-measured a bit, and while one of them fits neatly into the available gap between the paving slabs, the other three do n…

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When can I plant Asparagus bulbs Hardiness Zone 8b

by bloominguru,

I want to plant asparagus bulbs that I just purchased. The hardiness zones says to plant for a spring planting Jan - Mar. The package says to plant after the last frost. Which one is right?

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It was a long winter

by malissa,

I have dodged my garden for a year. The sorrel and kale have survived being completely ignored and unwatered over winter but for rain. One little spring onion has hung on in the tiniest form. Bless. The flat leaf parsley went to seed productively. The passionfruit vine tried to grow into the tree…

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by Cesy,

My herbs are all dead again. I can't figure out if it's lack of water, if they don't like the semi-shade, if I need to give them more food or compost or what.


At least the aloe vera is flourishing. And, in true Murphy's Law, I haven't burned myself since I got it, so I haven't needed to …

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New website features (release 7)

by Skud,

We just pushed a whole load of new features, bugfixes, etc to the website, including:

Major features:

  • Massive crop upload including brassicas, squashes, mint familiy (Lamaciae) and more.
  • Follow other members. You can now follow other Growstuff members. (Note: there are still some impr…
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Optimism is... planting butternuts at Christmas

by Skud,

Like I said in my last post, everything has been late and disorganised this spring. However, I'm trying to get some stuff planted juuuusssssttttt under the wire for December, and hopefully they'll have time to grow before things cool down in the new year. Last year I was pretty amazed how lon…

sunflower sunflowers butternut squash butternut squash nettles purslane arugula arugula nasturtia
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A slow start to summer

by Skud,

I'm so very, very behind on my gardening. I was travelling heaps and had lots of other commitments through October/November, which is peak spring planting time here, and nothing got done. I've come to the realisation that if I'm going to do work that involves that sort of travel, I need to cut …

zucchini zucchini eggplant eggplants San Marzano tomatoes tomatoes sorrels arugula arugula sunflower sunflowers cavalo nero cavalo nero squash squash
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