Most of the seeds I started a couple weeks ago have sprouted and gotten going. It looks like I will need to pick up one black beauty eggplant, one butternut squash, and one basil plant. And maybe oregano …
Oregano Origanum vulgare
Oregano has been planted 49 times by Growstuff members.

living more than two yearsFirst harvest expected
8 weeks after plantingCompanions
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Cretan oregano
round-leafed oregano
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What people are saying about oregano
Seedlings, bed prep, pink blueberries
by maco,
black beauty eggplants
butternut squash
lowbush blueberries
rabbiteye blueberries
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Getting ready for spring!
by maco,
I've got seeds either on-hand or ordered for just about everything I'm starting from seed this year. I've been working out what I want to plant, and this is the plan I've come up with for the 72 square feet of my backyard raised beds:

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Oregano harvests
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almost 5 years ago.
shiny harvested not specified.
over 5 years ago.
shiny harvested not specified.
over 5 years ago.
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- shawnacscott will trade nationally.
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