It's hot this weekend - after a brief first Spring we are skipping second Spring and going straight to Summer. It's beautiful, blue and hot and today, at least, the poison wind seems to have died down. I've spent the morning ripping up all the weeds that appear to have exploded in the last week. …
Sorrel Rumex acetosa
How to sow sorrel: Direct seed outdoors or root division
Sun requirement for sorrel: Plant in Full Sun
Sorrel has been planted 16 times by Growstuff members.
Sorrel is a hardy perennial herb that produces some of the earliest spring and latest fall greens. The plant has deep roots and long, wide, tapering leaves with juicy stems. Leaves have a sour, tangy, lemony taste and are delicious in salads, soups, and sandwiches. In the summer, Sorrel will bolt, producing reddish-green flowers and setting seed. This bolting can be reduced by harvesting consistently. Even if Sorrel sets seed in the summer, it will produce another set of edible leaves in the fall.
living more than two yearsFirst harvest expected
14 weeks after plantingHeight
45cmRow Spacing
Sorrel crops
Sorrel plantings
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Only plantings by members who have set their locations are shown on this map.
What people are saying about sorrels
A slow start to summer
by Skud,
I'm so very, very behind on my gardening. I was travelling heaps and had lots of other commitments through October/November, which is peak spring planting time here, and nothing got done. I've come to the realisation that if I'm going to do work that involves that sort of travel, I need to cut …
cavalo nero
San Marzano tomatoes
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How to grow sorrels
Grown for: leaf (2)
Alternate names
See who's planted sorrels
Sorrel harvests
shiny harvested not specified.
over 6 years ago.
Skud harvested 0.15 kg.
over 10 years ago.
malissa harvested 1 handful.
over 11 years ago.
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