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Revamped Herb Garden

by black_hound,

I have been meaning to post photos of my herb garden reconstruction that was done in Spring 2013.

Before – Clearly a mess. Way too much time needed for weeding even with mulching.

herb garden before

During the process after t…

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Smallest viable containers for tomatoes, peppers

by Skud,

We have an over-abundance of 20cm/8" and 25cm/10" pots. I'd normally grow peppers (mostly small ones like jalapeño pepper, not huge bell pepper) in 10" pots and tomato in 12" pots. I'm wondering…

tomatoes jalapeno pepper jalapeno peppers bell pepper bell peppers
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Wanted (Australia): potimarron seeds

by Skud,

Potimarron is a small (1-2kg) pumpkin/squash that will grow up a trellis. It's available from Diggers but before I make an order for just one packet of seeds I was wondering whether anyone in Australia had any …

pumpkin pumpkins
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What to plant

by Cesy,

I'm currently trying to decide what to plant next, as some of my current flowers die back. I have planter boxes and a few small flowerpots on the balcony. The rosemary is doing well, but I'd like some vegetables, as I use those far more often than herbs. I have no idea what I'm doing, though. It'…

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Leaf hopper pest

by dunia,

Well they just looked like green thorns and I actually originally thought they killed pests, but green coloured leaf hoppers are actually sap suckers! Had to kill 2 of them. :/

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New features: member bio, crop wrangler homepage, some bugfixes

by Skud,

Hi everyone,

Just did a quick code push which included the following new features and bugfixes:

  • Member bios – you can now write a short bio to include on your profile page
  • Crop wrangler homepage – a handy page with info/tools for our new [crop wranglers](…
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Want to be a crop wrangler? We're seeking volunteers.

by Skud,

"What's a crop wrangler?" I hear you ask. Well, a crop wrangler is a Growstuff member who volunteers a little bit of time (we'd estimate an hour a month, averaged over time) to keep Growstuff's crop database up to date, make sure it has a wide variety of crops, respond to…

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Garden tour, end of winter 2013

by Skud,

I thought I'd post a tour of my garden as it currently stands at the end of winter, to act as the "before" pic in relation to the spring planting we're planning. Like all "before" photos, there's likely to be a fair bit of "ugh"… …

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One day my sun will come

by malissa,

Slowly, slowly the sun line is moving down the fence. It shouldn't be too long before my garden gets some direct sunshine and springs into life.

I picked up some seedlings from the Slow Food Market at Abbotsford Convent today: dwarf kale, bok choy, chervil and Tom Thumb lettuce, and planted t…

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Planning for spring

by Skud,

We're about a week away from the official start of spring in Melbourne, but the weather for the last month has been what the indigenous people of this area consider "pre-spring": "warming, first flowers, birds begin nesting". It's definitely a di…

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Small grape vine - any tips for transplanting?

by FedericoMenaQuintero,

The other day I got a small grape vine (about 40 cm tall) from a nursery. It seems to be four cuttings of about the same length. It's in the black plastic bag right now, and I want to transplant it to the garden.

I'm a bit paranoid about the preciousness of grapes, so I want to be careful ab…

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New features: redesigned homepage, API and RSS improvements

by Skud,

Hi everyone. You probably already noticed that we have a shiny new homepage. If not, check it out. Heaps of work went into discussing what was important for us to show and tell on our homepage, laying those things out on the page, and then actually building the new pag…

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