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urban gardens in Kerala

by brainwane,

Check out this article in Caravan: it seems that the state of Kerala has a "vegetable initiative for urban clusters". Kerala's State Horticulture Mission might be a good partner in localising Growstuff to Malayalam. :-)

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Miracle of winter

by malissa,

Last year my potted hyacinths were a bit sad and not at all the lovely blue they should have been. No flowers at all! So I separated the bulbs and dug them in under the tree. Today two little shoots are peeking up out of the dirt. Hopefully all four have survived and there'll be some pretty flowe…

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Yard long beans vs black-eyed peas

by oakandsage,

I have been assuming that the beans growing in my garden (that are finally taking off and seem healthy, Y A Y) are yard long beans because they match the picture on the package, and I want yard long beans. But recently (partly because the immature pods are getting thicker but not getting longer, …

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link to list of known issues

by brainwane,

Should the list of known issues be to the URL rather than to the post on I could see a reason to go either way.

Completely off topic: I …

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Diggers order

by Skud,

Ordered a few things from the Diggers Club, some winter stuff and also some things I want to grow as soon as spring arrives (which is actually quite soon, especially if I start seedlings indoors first – last frost here is early September, which means starting seedlings …

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"Teggi bean"

by corvi,

We bought a bunch of plant starts from a Korean greenhouse, and the owner threw in some free "teggi bean" starts. Anyone have any experience with teggi beans or ideas of what sort of soil, shade, etc they'd like?

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Eep! What's this on my chard?

by Skud,

I've got some chard growing in containers in my backyard. It's been doing OK for a year, but now it's winter so it's only getting partial sun. Today I noticed that one container is looking a bit sadder than the other. When I went to examine it, I found this:

![something on my chard](http://…

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The first snowpea bud

by Skud,

I've been away for a couple of weeks (travelling to the US for a conference). Now I'm back, it's great to take stock of where the garden's at.

The most exciting thing: snowpeas! I planted them on the 14th of April (ha, thanks, G…

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23 June

by meghan,

I stopped at the farmers' market on Thursday and one of the booths was selling HUGE seedlings at mind-blowingly cheap prices. So I bought a spaghetti squash and a watermelon, and asked hopefully if he had any eggplant. (No, but he said to check back next week, and if he had any left and remembere…

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Canning and last-minute summer planting

by oakandsage,

Got way behind on my summer planting due to cherry season starting a few weeks early. On the other hand I have 50 lbs of cherries canned, so that's good.

You guys, the new Pomona's low-sugar jam book (which I am, er, using with Ball low-sugar pectin) is awesome. Cherry-port preserves. Serious …

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18 June

by meghan,

Today I went to the hardware store and, on the clearance rack, discovered an astonishingly robust acorn squash plant for 99c. Obviously I brought it home and popped it into the garden. I'm excited, as squash and eggplant were the two things that I'd really wanted to do and hadn't been able to fin…

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by malissa,

(Originally posted December 18, 2012 at 07:40)

One of my borage plants is limp. I've tried: tying it up, not watering it, watering it. The other, which gets the same sun, water and tying up is as tall and straight as you could hope for. Challenge. The parsley keeps wanting to bolt. It might ne…

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