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Well they just looked like green thorns and I actually originally thought they killed pests, but green coloured leaf hoppers are actually sap suckers! Had to kill 2 of them. :/
I just wanted to say, I really like what you're doing tracking bugs/pests on Growstuff like this. We discussed making pest/disease tracking a part of Growstuff, but we're not sure yet how we'd do it, so it's good to watch what you're doing, see whether anyone else does anything similar, and see what ideas we can pick up from that :)
I just wanted to say, I really like what you're doing tracking bugs/pests on Growstuff like this. We discussed making pest/disease tracking a part of Growstuff, but we're not sure yet how we'd do it, so it's good to watch what you're doing, see whether anyone else does anything similar, and see what ideas we can pick up from that :)
I am associating the bug photos with the plant they were with/attacking in my "bug garden" so you can see what they look like :)