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New vegetable

by Urban_Food_Garden,

Can you add Rocket to the list please, surprised it's not there already, very common greens crop.

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seed starting

by wrdnrd,

3/22 – Started peppers:
- fish
- big Jim
- hinkelhotz
& basil (genovese)

3/25 – direct-sowed outside:
- peas
- lettuce
- lettuce

3/29 – Started tomatoes:
- hahms gelbe
- ditmarsher
- whippersnapper
- goldilox
- rose quartz multiflora …

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Planting outdoors & fruit trees

by maco,

Today I transplanted the cabbage and onion seedlings outside and planted seeds for: arugula, garlic (well, cloves, not seeds–forced in the fridge), mesclun salad mix, kale, cauliflower, and …

plum plums onions arugula arugula garlic kale kale cauliflower cauliflowers beet beets apple apples peach peaches almond almonds cabbage cabbages
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Do the best with what you have..

by nodosa,

It is only the beginning of my gardening adventure, and there are ups and downs but overall, I'm already finding it fulfilling. The honeyberries (ordered from a farm, about 25cm in height) are already flowering and greatly enjoing the transition. From that farm I had also ordered goji, amelanch…

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Seedlings, bed prep, pink blueberries

by maco,

Most of the seeds I started a couple weeks ago have sprouted and gotten going. It looks like I will need to pick up one black beauty eggplant, one butternut squash, and one basil plant. And maybe oregano

butternut squash butternut squash rabbiteye blueberry rabbiteye blueberries lowbush blueberry lowbush blueberries oregano basils black beauty eggplant black beauty eggplants
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Starting my peppers from seed.

by linuxstumbler,

I just started some Cayenne (one labeled 'cayenne blend' and the other 'long thin'), White Habanero, Jimmy Nardello, Sweet Cubanelle, Sweet Banana, Big Thai Hybrid, and Spicy Fiesta Hybrid. I might start my tomatoes later this week or wait for the weekend. Kinda wish there was a way to keep tra…

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Coming together

by shawnacscott,

This weekend I had two full days to really focus on the yard, and I made the most of it. With the intermittent help of several others over the course of the weekend, I got both easement planter boxes filled with compost and soil, cleaned up and weeded the alley, got the stump pulled from the coni…

lettuce lettuces arugula arugula mustard sunflower sunflowers dill onions beet beets tomatoes fenugreek bell pepper bell peppers okra okra artichoke artichokes pot marigolds mint mint lavender spinach spinach basils thyme thyme parsley peas zucchini zucchini
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Some Quick Suggestions

by evermorian,

Glad to see this up and running. Some quick suggestions from my initial pass at adding crops:

After I add a crop, there should be a button to add another on the confirmation page. I rarely plant one thing.

When I type in the full name of a crop (e.g., "cinnamon basil") I get an error about…

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Seeds started!

by maco,

Today I started seeds for the backyard beds

Seed starting

The [onion](/crops/on…

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New plantings

by Bryant_RedHawk,

Planted two Pear, three Pecan and three Mulberry trees. Also got the Tomatoes into their straw bale bed.

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Establishing my garden

by tegan,

I moved in to my new house in July and we've been planning on growing food but wanted to get the inside of the house in order first.

Where we are now: The front and back yards are almost completely grass. The front yard has one area with nice dirt, landscape fabric underneath, that's growing …

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by bloominguru,

I just purchased an artichoke plant in the nursery and from my research it looks like its a cool weather crop. Should I even try to plant it in central texas?

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