As far as I can tell, no nurseries in British Columbia (or the rest of Canada) currently sell the peach variety actually developed and adapted for this area. Local nurseries all seem to import peach trees from big American distributors, who don't offer it. Smaller American nurseri…
Prunus persica
How to sow peach: Transplant bare-root plant
Sun requirement for peach: Plant in Full Sun
Peach has been planted 6 times by Growstuff members.
The peach tree is a deciduous tree native to Northwest China that produces stone, or drupe, fruits. It belongs to the genus Prunus which includes the cherry, apricot, almond, and plum. The peach is classified with the almond in the subgenus Amygdalus because their stones are corrugated rather than smooth. Peaches and nectarines are the same species - nectarines have a recessive gene that makes their skin smooth rather than fuzzy. Cultivated peaches are divided into two groups: clingstones and freestones, depending on whether the flesh sticks to the stone or not. Peaches can have white or yellow fuzzy skin. Yellow peaches usually have an acidic tang coupled with sweetness. White peaches are very sweet with little acidity. Most cultivars require 500 hours of chilling around 0 to 10 °C during the winter, and hot temperatures in the summer to ripen fruit. Some varieties are self-pollinating, while others require pollination by a peach tree of another variety with the same bloom period within 50 feet. Peaches should be thinned to 7-12cm apart when fruit are 2-3cm in diameter to increase mature fruit size. Standard and dwarf rootstocks are available. Dwarf trees can grow to 3 meters, standard to 4.5 meters. Depending on the size chosen, the tree will bear fruit within 2-4 years of planting.

living more than two yearsFirst harvest expected
242 weeks after plantingHeight
365cmRow Spacing
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What people are saying about peaches
Peach blossoms! (photo inside)
by maco,
Ok, I'm late on posting this because I didn't think about it at the time, but remember how I planted 4 fruit trees and a nut tree in fall 2014? Well, they're not supposed to bear fruit for 2-4 years depending on variety. So I was surprised to see that this year, the peach actually blossomed!
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Planting outdoors & fruit trees
by maco,
Today I transplanted the cabbage and onion seedlings outside and planted seeds for: arugula, garlic (well, cloves, not seeds–forced in the fridge), mesclun salad mix, kale, cauliflower, and …
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How to grow peaches
Grown for: fruit (5)
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See who's planted peaches
Peach harvests
Alpinefolk harvested 10, weighing 3.5 kg.
almost 5 years ago.
maco harvested 2.
over 5 years ago.
maco harvested 20.
over 5 years ago.
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