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New Growstuff features

by Skud,

We just pushed a new production release to the website, with the following changes:


  • Support for alternate names for crops was added. Look for search to come soon.
  • Added many tomato varieties
  • When you mention a crop in a post, that post shows on the crop page
  • We will soo…
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New feature - crop mentions!

by Skud,

So we have this new feature where if you mention a crop like tomato or lemon or dill using the Markdown syntax (like: [dill](crop)), your post will show up on the crop page. Click through to any of those crops, scroll down, and take a look!

dill tomatoes lemons
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Blooming lemon tree

by SporkyRat,

What the everliving what. My lemon tree is blooming in November. Is this common in lemon trees?

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by maco,

Surprise! I got home from work yesterday and discovered my husband had finished the brickwork around the veggie garden. He says he'd started moving the bricks from their pile to get them off the driveway, and well the logical place to put them was where they belong, and then halfway through he re…

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Fall bed prep

by maco,

ARGH I got logged out while writing this post, and there was so much, and now I have to type it all again :(

In my area, spring only lasts about 2 weeks. It goes from too cold to be outside to over 80F in about that time, so as soon as you can be outside, it's time to have the plants in the gr…

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Spring in Adelaide

by lucychili,

Hullo It is October in Adelaide Planting vegies for the summer and trying to find a balance between sun and shade for the hot months. Are there other folk planting for AU Spring?

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Feature Request and Hello

by greenlabs,

Hi Grow Stuff, I love the work you are doing and would like to get involved as a coder volunteer and tester on a casual basis. I have a IT Background but not a coder Would also like to request if Grow Stuff is planning to enable the following features

1)Moon Planting 2)Visual Garden Designer…

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Pūhā for dinner

by shiny,

There are so very many edible weeds in our garden.

Pūhā galore of course - which can we draped over roasting meat (too much work) or steamed to remove the bitterness and then pretend it's spinach for eggs bene. It's been "what's for dinner" in our suburb s…

mint mint peppermint peppermint
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Submitting comments on website itself

by navtis,

Just started using website and finding various niggles it would be nice to log (I know once you get used to these things you forget they were ever there, but they can put off new users). For example, when entering my first garden I typed in the details, then clicked on 'add location'. This took m…

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Autumn planting

by sam_uk,

We are planting salads for winter

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sweet potatoes

by robin,

I planted these sweet potatoes on 5-26-14. Could someone tell me when they can be harvested? I've read that the vines need to look dry on the ends. However, I don't thinkg they are ready yet. I also read that they need about four months in the ground to mature. That would mean they won't be ready…

sweet potato sweet potatoes
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This year (2014)

by Mad_Martha,

This year wasn't a particularly good year in my garden. Due to my ill health through spring and summer, the only things that got planted were the potatoes, onions and elephant garlic, all of which were planted either late last year or ea…

onions elephant garlic elephant garlic potato potatoes
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