Posted by Skud on November 19, 2014 at 06:14 and edited at November 19, 2014 at 23:53
PermalinkSo we have this new feature where if you mention a crop like tomato or lemon or dill using the Markdown syntax (like: [dill](crop)), your post will show up on the crop page. Click through to any of those crops, scroll down, and take a look!
Or this way, but without the space: [dill] (crop)
Which I'm guessing is what you typed, but that because you made it not turn into a real link, it displayed it in normal link syntax instead of crop syntax. Funny how that works.
Ha, yes, it oh-so-cleverly expanded it even as it didn't linkify it. Hmm, does [dill](crop) work?
ETA: yes it does! I put a backslash before the open square bracket, and one before the open parenthesis. I'll update my original post to show that, to avoid confusion.