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Fermenting Hot Sauce method

by CloCkWeRX,

I came across this post talking about how habanero and similar can be preserved; might have to give that a go.

habanero pepper habanero peppers
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by shiny,

i meant to suggest "mesclun"

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Website update (Release 13)

by Cesy,

We've just made some minor updates to the website. These are mostly behind-the-scenes, enabling our next round of improvements.

  • Fixed broken emails
  • Minor gem upgrades
  • Build process improvements: Check PR author is in under Travis, Check for "forgot to commit Gemfile.loc…
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One trellis! Ah ah ah!

by maco,

One trellis is finally done:


Since I did end up deciding to plant an Opalka tomato after all (because I went to t…

opalka tomatoes
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New photos

by Cesy,

I've just uploaded some more recent photos of my plants. The parsley is still going strong, having seeded itself in a second spot along the box. One patch has died back a bit - I clearly need to pick it and use it more often. The chives have also died back a bit…

aloe vera chives chives parsley
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New maintainers for Growstuff

by Skud,

Hi all,

You may have noticed that things have been very quiet with Growstuff for the last year or so. This is primarily because I have been dealing with some serious health issues that left me unable to manage Growstuff, or even to spend much time online, since early 2015. Things are looking…

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New website features and bug fixes (Release 11)

by Cesy,

Our next release has just gone live. Let us know if you spot any issues. Emails from comment replies still aren't working on the main site, but is working fine, or find us on Github, Gitter or IRC.

New features

  • Crop approval flash alert for wra…
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Peach blossoms! (photo inside)

by maco,

Ok, I'm late on posting this because I didn't think about it at the time, but remember how I planted 4 fruit trees and a nut tree in fall 2014? Well, they're not supposed to bear fruit for 2-4 years depending on variety. So I was surprised to see that this year, the peach actually blossomed!

peach peaches
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New website features (Release 9)

by Cesy,

We've just pushed a load of new features and bugfixes to the site, thanks to @pozorvlak for deploying, as well as all our coders - we had several new contributors this time.

New Features

  • Thumbnails of crops should now show on a post where you refe…
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Gardening: from a hobby to a business?

by veradriane,

Hey everyone, I'm very excited to join the community at Grow Stuff.

I'm a twenty-something gardening enthusiast from Melbourne. I have a couple of years of experience in the field and huge desire to learn and develop in this sector. I'm interested in herbs and I grow my very own vegetable ga…

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Tiny house + house plants?

by maco,

I have an itty bitty house. It's about 650 square feet, and equator-facing windows are:

  1. over my bed
  2. inside my shower
  3. actually double-doors that open inward into the kitchen and anyway anything in front of them would block the fridge and the dishwasher

There are two sunset-facin…

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Germinating some cosmos, marigold, rajma beans and eggplant seeds in the paper towel method, how long does it take?

by quanta,

Started germinating day before morning still no signs of sprouts. Does the paper towel method take this long, especially for marigolds and cosmos?

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