I'm going to attempt to grow potato over winter. To prepare I'm going to do a full garden bed of mustard and then dig the greens into the soil. Add compost and blood and bone. I've never attempted potato over winter. It can get very wet here, and in August it dr…
Solanum tuberosum
How to sow potato: Direct seed outdoors after last frost. Each piece must have one eye.
Sun requirement for potato: Plant in Full Sun
Potato has been planted 70 times by Growstuff members.
Potatoes are starchy root vegetables in the Solanaceae, or Nightshade, family, which also includes tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. They originated in South America, and spread to become a worldwide staple. The leaves and fruit are usually poisonous and the stem tuber is the only edible part once it is cooked. The potato can be cooked in many ways, brewed into alcohol, and also used as the basis for creating bioplastics. More growing information is available in individual species entries.

living and reproducing in a single year or lessMedian lifespan
16 weeksFirst harvest expected
16 weeks after plantingLast harvest expected
16 weeks after plantingHeight
30cmRow Spacing
Potato crops
Potato plantings
Potato harvests
Potato seeds
more photos »Sunniness
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Adirondack Red

agria potato

Amflora potato

Anya potato

Kipfler potato
purple potato
Ranger Russet potato

Red Gold potato

Red La Soda potato

Red Norland potato

Red Pontiac potato

Rooster potato

russet burbank potato

Russian blue potato

Shetland Black potato

Skerry Champion potato

Stobrawa potato

waiporoporo taewa potato

Yukon Gold potato
Crop Map
Only plantings by members who have set their locations are shown on this map.
What people are saying about potatoes
Some of features id like
by shiny,
I like to automate the calculations, analysis, and plain old remembering what has happened in the garden.
Some of the challenges in my garden is knowing when it's too late to planting something, if it will cope with the weather conditions here, and working out what is killing the [tomato](/cr…
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This year (2014)
by Mad_Martha,
This year wasn't a particularly good year in my garden. Due to my ill health through spring and summer, the only things that got planted were the potatoes, onions and elephant garlic, all of which were planted either late last year or ea…
elephant garlic
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How to grow potatoes
Grown for: tuber (25) root (1) whole plant (1)
There are 9 growing guides on Open Farm
Alternate names
See who's planted potatoes
Potato harvests
CloCkWeRX harvested 3.
3 months ago.
CloCkWeRX harvested 5.
6 months ago.
CloCkWeRX harvested 4.
6 months ago.
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Find potato seeds
- neotoma will trade locally.
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