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One Million Worms

by CloCkWeRX,

I recently have fallen deeply into a composting and vermiculture rabbithole; having found a few (very cheap) [Vevor 1000L compost bins](…

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Integrating Farmbot 'curves'

by mvillion,

Hi I am a new Farmbot user. Web site is

In their open source project they now have 'curves' that record things such as growing height, spread and watering requirements over the lifecycle of the plant. This is a very cool feature but there are no premade curves to download and …

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Feature preview: Activities

by CloCkWeRX,

So that you can plan next season's plantings better, we're introducing an Activity planner, and some important adjustments to allow forward dated plantings.

Check out the pull request and add your feedback - what do you do most when preparing…

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Photos, Flickr and free limits

by CloCkWeRX,

As Flickr is removing a lot of people's photos if they have exceeded the limits, we'll be removing any photos that are now a 404. However, in the upcoming release we will be ingesting photos published on GBIF, the majority of which are an open licence.

While there are no guarantees your speci…

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Miso Paste and Leeks

by CloCkWeRX,

I managed to grow some truly giant leeks this year.

Unfortunately I also had a lot of spring onion, so started to reach a limit for what could be done.

Standout new recipe: [Miso braised leeks](…

spring onion spring onions leek leeks
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In a Pickling Pickle

by CloCkWeRX,

This year I accidentally produced approximately 6 billion cabbages. This immediately lead to problems, as not wanting to waste anything and reading that all parts are edible, I set about home canning, freezing and doing about every variation of stuffing something into a cabbage…

cabbage cabbages
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Kabocha lifespan incorrect

by milki,

kabocha listing shows a 2 week (11 days) lifespan but a first harvest in 22 weeks. 2 weeks is naturally too short.

kabocha kabocha
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New code release

by Cesy,

After a long hiatus, we've just released new code to the site. This is mostly security fixes and upgrades to new versions of the libraries and gems we depend on. It should also fix the sign-up issue and mean we send emails again. Volunteers welcome to help out now we're getting things into shape!

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can"t request new crops

by corvi,

When I try to request new crops (, I get a message that says, "We're sorry, but something went wrong." I have successfully requested new crops in the past.

My apologies if you get spammed with multiple copies of crop requests, I tried a few times.

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Local Seeds

by localseedsau,

Hi all,

Daniel here. I’m a backyard gardener based in Melbourne, Australia. I started growing veggies in 2016 and since then became passionate about permaculture and all things sustainability. I've been working on a marketplace for local seed savers in Australia called [Local Seeds](https://ww…

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Weird lifespan

by Lemony,

What's up with the statistics on this plant - Median Lifespan 23 days?? It's saying my plants should have finished weeks ago when they're not even ready for harvest yet

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harvesting the bigger kūmara

by shiny,

We've just harvested the kūmara. It needs a warm summer, and this was the first summer we've grown it in a raised garden bed instead of a bag.

At first, I thought it was a failure. I poked around the roots and found nothing. We pull out the…

kūmara kūmara
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