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Automating the seedlings

by shiny,

What's better than Brussel sprouts? Home-grown Brussels Sprouts grown by robots.

The automation (aka Robots) I'm using is an open source app called "Home Assistant". It runs nicely on a raspberry pi, but I'm running it on an old laptop, which is very convenient due…

lettuce lettuces brussels sprouts brussels sprouts coriander coriander
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The year of the potatoes

by shiny,

Potatoes and taewa

Potatoes and taewa

This year i grew ELEVEN types of potato over summer..

Waiporoporo Taewa Potato that were [ready early](/plantings/shiny-front-lawn-p…

urenika taewa potato urenika taewa potatoes Stewart island potato Stewart island potatoes Whataroa taewa potato Whataroa taewa potato Robyn Adair potato Robyn Adair potatoes pink fir apple potato pink fir apple potatoes moemoe taewa potato moemoe taewa potatoes scots potato scots potatoes Te Māori taewa potato Te Māori taewa potatoes huakaroro taewa potato huakaroro taewa potatoes purple heart potato purple heart potatoes agria potato agria potatoes waiporoporo taewa potato waiporoporo taewa potatoes
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setting up the irrigation

by shiny,

better late than never – i've set up the irrigation to use a raspberry pi, so i can finally adhere to the odds/evens date rules that so much of NZ uses but no automated system sold here can handle. Have to have a whole calendar system in your micro to be able to handle it.

the rules are: …

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I made moussaka

by shiny,

First time I've successful grown egg plants and the first time I've made moussaka. It took an hour to make it, and another hour of baking.

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overwintering the taewa

by shiny,

I had some Urenika Taewa Potato and Stewart island potato already sprouting at the end of last summer - and instead of leaving these rare potatoes to rot, I put them into the soil They're both known to grow in the cold south, so they shou…

Stewart island potato Stewart island potatoes urenika taewa potato urenika taewa potatoes
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Radish split after too much rain.

by shiny,

We've had heaps of rain. The area flooded. Also the radishes split.

radish radishes
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by shiny,

  1. DONE plant Painted Mountain Corn in the Big Sunny Bed
  2. DONE Plant the 2 potted sunflowers into the front garden
  3. DONE Plant more sun flowers out in the north garden
  4. DONE Harvest the boysenberry soon
  5. SINE6String the [peas](/cro…
painted mountain corn painted mountain corn boysenberries rhubarb peas
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Feature ideas - Planting out. User-defined plant names.

by bigblen,

BTW I'm happy to create github issues if this is preferred?

1) I create some crops when I plant seeds in trays etc. Some time later, they have turned into seedlings. I guess I can edit the entries to change the location from 'containers' to 'garden'. But perhaps a "Plant Out" action would…

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time to compost

by shiny,

If you grow a pumpkin underneath your corn then now's a good time to shovel on some extra compost, or add fertilizer. Both these plants really like lots of fertilizer.

corn corn pumpkin pumpkins
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Three Rare heirlooms - Island bay tomatoes

by shiny,

I'm growing a precious heirloom. The Island Bay tomatoes have a tale behind their journey to me. Some of the first Italian immigrants to this country settled in nearby Island Bay.

They'd concluded the tomatoes available in Aotearoa were not the tomatoes they knew and remembered from Italy. At…

Island Bay tomato Island Bay tomatoes
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Pōhutukawa shade

by shiny,

The vege garden in the back yard has fed us for four years but now the pōhutukawa tree in the street to the North has grown huge and now we have no sun.

This weekend i set up three raised beds in the front lawn, and carted about eight wheel barrow loads of soil.

I've planted some of our po…

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New feature, fav/like any photo.

by shiny,

Send some appreciation to anyone (or yourself) by tapping the heart ♥ beside a photo title.

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