Prunus persica
Harvest months:
We need more data on this crop in your latitude. There's not enough
info yet to predict harvests.
in Paeroa, New Zealand
Planted by Mordae
view all Mordae's plantingsPlanted in Chicken Run Orchard
View other plantings, members and more near Paeroa, New Zealand
Aug 2014Quantity
4 seedsGrowing
Planting is still growing todayGrown from
seedGrown in
We have had a bout 16 golden queen peaches pop up from seed over the last year, I've had them in pots until we finished expanding the chicken run (and they were big enough to handle the chooks). Stone mulching around the roots is a definate requirement. Once they are a bit bigger, I'll be grafting on some more peach varieties to them.
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
peach Prunus persica
First harvest expected 1693 days after planting
World Neighbours
seeds planted by Mordae in Paeroa, New Zealand
planted by auntie in palmerston north, new zealandOther peach plantings at the same latitude