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Public launch! (and new features)

by Skud,

Hi everyone,

Last night pozorvlak and I did a code push to the site, which contains the final features we wanted in place before our public launch. These are, most importantly:

  • Crop photos: photos you post on your plantings now show up on the crops page. You can see …
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Clay & cherries

by maco,

I'll be moving into my house in a week. I've been holding off on transplanting my seedlings, but today I thought I'd move the squash and just put it in the ground rather than wait til we can get raised beds built (decided to go with table-style raised beds, made from cast off pallets, with a plas…

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New features: photos, crop improvements, RSS and more!

by Skud,

We just pushed a number of new features to the site, including:

  • Photos! You can now add photos to plantings, using Flickr. Stay tuned for lots of improvements in this area in the coming weeks. (Yes, we know you can only see the most recent few photos in your Flickr stream, for instance, a…
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Beans!! Beans all 'round!!

by black_hound,

I planted my bush beans and pole beans on May 27th. They have all germinated and have their first set of leaves and are at least an inch tall. Probably a bit more. Today is June 2? GO BEANS.

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Too Late for Starting? - Northeast USA

by erin,

I live in Massachusetts in the US, and just found out that I do, indeed, have space for planting in the giant garden that is apparently shared between the neighborhood. Is it too late to start zucchinis and watermelons? What about sauce [tomato](/crops/toma…

tomatoes watermelon watermelons zucchini zucchini
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Seeking advice on fledgling plant & bushy thyme plant

by ribbonknight,

The first plant is a cucumber, Mexican sour gherkin, which I've grown from seed. Firstly, yay, the things I grew from seed this year have been way more successful than last year!

The cucumber looks like this: ![alt text](…

gherkins thyme thyme cucumbers
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Fava Bean -- ripe or not?

by neotoma,

I planted several fava bean plants last fall, mainly as a way to get something into my newly dug flowerbed.

Now they've flowered and set pods. Does anyone know how to tell when fava bean pods are ripe for picking? I've never grown fava beans before, so I really have no idea.

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Season change

by oakandsage,

Well, it looks like this is the end of the line for this year's (massive sarcasm quotes) "cool season" here. Pea production appears to be slowing down significantly, and I'm pulling out the last of the lettuce while some is still edible. Much of it is too bitter to eat. New lettuce stopped coming…

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Lessons from the spring garden

by black_hound,

The leaf crops did marvelously. In fact, they are still growing strong since temps have been below average. The peas and root crops were a disaster. Nothing bulbed up particularly well and the peas were all leaf and no bloom. Apparently the nitrogen content of my soil is too high for root crops. …

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Yes, definitely tomatoes, in fact.

by melannen,

Remember that hopeful post I made about possibly some tomatoes coming up volunteer?

That has since developed into 'WTF DO I DO WITH ALL THESE TOMATO PLANTS'.

There were thirty-six of them over two inches high as of this afternoon, and increasing. I'm scared.

I got one of those upside-dow…

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New to gardening

by rubygeek,

Hello, I've been programming since I was 13 and I love Ruby have done it the past 7 years. I recently got into gardening because my husband said I needed to do something besides "code" :) And I am finding it super fun!

I wanted a house plant, I have two big window seats. I think Ivy s are neat…

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Arugula flowers

by amy,

I got way too busy for a couple of weeks, and it decided to get hot right in the middle of that time – so of course various things in my early salad stuff have bolted like crazy.

Arugula flowers are, first of all, surprisingly beautiful. I know this isn't meant to be a site…

arugula arugula
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