I just got a house, and the front garden has a bunch of things that I don't recognize. Since mulberry, grape, and rhubarb have been identified in that bed, I wouldn't be surprised to find these are also edibles. I just don't know what they are…
Mulberry Morus
How to sow mulberry: Cuttings, transplant grafted tree
Sun requirement for mulberry: Plant in Full Sun
Mulberry has been planted 9 times by Growstuff members.
Mulberries are a genus of 10-16 deciduous flowering trees in the Moraceae family, which also includes figs, breadfruit, and sassafras. The trees are native to temperate regions around the world and divided into three main types: Black, Red, and White. They produce long clusters of multiple fruit, about 2-3cm long. Fruit are white, green, or pale yellow when immature. With the exception of White Mulberries, fruit mature from pink to red to dark purple or black. Fruit have a deep, sweet flavor and are eaten fresh, made into jams or wine, and baked into desserts. Drape trees with netting to ensure a harvest, since birds love the fruit. Mulberry leaves are the food source of the silkworm, whose cocoon is used to make silk. The White Mulberry has become an invasive exotic in North America. More growing information is available in individual species entries.

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How to grow mulberries
Grown for: fruit (1)
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Mulberry harvests
Skud harvested 2 handfuls, weighing 0.05 kg.
over 11 years ago.
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