Finished Tomato Solanum lycopersicum
Planted 2014-03-14
First harvest expected 2014-06-14
Finished 2014-07-22
Planted by ypgarden
view all ypgarden's plantingsPlanted in Garden
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Mar 2014Progress
130/130 daysQuantity
1 seedlingGrown from
seedlingGrown in
Jul 2014Notes
"Visitacion Valley. Wicked good! Bright red, 3 oz oval fruit. The best flavor of any salad-type, super-early tomato. Rich, sweet tomato flavor. Compact plants are semi-determinate. 65 days. Space 18-24'' (46-61 cm) apart in rows 18-24'' (46-61 cm) apart. Full sun. Prefers consistent soil moisture."
Purchased seedling that already had a couple tiny tomatoes on it. Planted in earthbox on south-facing balcony.
2014-05-10: Ate first tomatoes!
2014-05-24: So many tomatoes!
2014-07-22: Retired early, yielding another ~4 dozen tomatoes.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
tomato Solanum lycopersicum
Median Lifespan 146 days
First harvest expected 92 days after planting
Last harvest expected 126 days after planting
World Neighbours
planted by amy in Durham, NC
planted by meghan in Pittsburgh, PA
planted by alittleheadache in West Berkeley, CA
advanced plants planted by epersonae in Olympia, WA USA
planted by melannen in Maryland
planted by jwwz in 90405Other tomato plantings at the same latitude