Finished Tomato Solanum lycopersicum
Planted 2013-05-22
First harvest expected 2013-08-22
Finish expected 2013-10-16
Planted by mamagotcha
view all mamagotcha's plantingsPlanted in Three Boxes Raised Bed Garden
View other plantings, members and more near 60656
May 2013Progress
4233/147 daysQuantity
5 seedlingsGrown from
seedlingGrown in
unknown dateNotes
Golden Nugget Cherry, Sweet Baby Girl Cherry, Black Krim Heirloom, Pineapple Heirloom, Creole Heirloom… all purchased as seedlings online from Garden Harvest Supply ( and sent through the mail. So far, plants are huge and lush with plenty of flowers and fruit, but only the Baby Girl Cherry has been producing, and very sparsely. Plants are probably overcrowded (there is also basil and peppers planted in the same 4'x4' plot). Wish I'd used tomato cages to get their growth more upward, instead of dense and thick low to the ground like it is now. Live and learn!
No harvests recorded
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
tomato Solanum lycopersicum
Median Lifespan 147 days
First harvest expected 92 days after planting
Last harvest expected 126 days after planting
World Neighbours
planted by amy in Durham, NC
planted by meghan in Pittsburgh, PA
planted by alittleheadache in West Berkeley, CA
advanced plants planted by epersonae in Olympia, WA USA
advanced plants planted by jinty in Oxford, uk
planted by melannen in MarylandOther tomato plantings at the same latitude