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Displaying gardens 217 - 252 of 1084 in total

owner: Pedalcub Pedalcub Garden
Perennials: ginger ginger sage sage rosemary rosemary

not enough data on collard greens to predict

not enough data on collard greens to predict
owner: jcanilly jcanilly Garden
Perennials: lemon

not enough data on watermelon to predict
Perennials: elderberry

No annual plantings

Perennials: lavender spearmint spearmint

not enough data on shiso to predict

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions
owner: drake drake Garden
Perennials: mulberry

No annual plantings

Perennials: asparagus asparagus

No annual plantings

Perennials: raspberry raspberry blackberry blackberry red currant gooseberry

set "planted" date to allow predictions
owner: Theomuur Theomuur Garden
Perennials: banana sorrel loquat banana tansy chayote chayote chaya

not enough data on alfalfa to predict

not enough data on alfalfa to predict

not enough data on wine cap mushroom to predict
owner: delladea delladea Garden
Perennials: blackberry blackberry

not enough data on okra to predict
Perennials: apple mint apple mint

No annual plantings

owner: woofinc woofinc Garden
Perennials: rhubarb

No annual plantings

owner: bartleby bartleby Garden

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

Perennials: New Zealand spinach

No annual plantings

owner: emmavr72 emmavr72 Garden

No perennial plantings

super late
Mar 2015

squash squash
harvesting now
not enough data on squash to predict
owner: sjkasabi sjkasabi Garden
Perennials: rue lemon verbena lemon verbena

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

squash squash
harvesting now
not enough data on squash to predict
Perennials: sage sage Meyer lemon

No annual plantings

owner: henwife henwife Garden
Perennials: kiwifruit

No annual plantings

Perennials: asparagus asparagus garlic chives garlic chives cherry strawberry strawberry

squash squash
harvesting now
not enough data on squash to predict

not enough data on soybean to predict

squash squash
harvesting now
not enough data on squash to predict
owner: ian ian Garden
Perennials: passion fruit

No annual plantings

owner: Mohawked Mohawked Garden

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: ccomrie ccomrie Garden

No perennial plantings

not enough data on golden kiwifruit to predict

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

Perennials: apple apple blueberry blueberry cherry chives chives mint mint strawberry strawberry

not enough data on Jerusalem artichoke to predict

not enough data on amaranth to predict

not enough data on rutabaga to predict
owner: dust dust Garden
Perennials: sage sage rosemary rosemary

No annual plantings

owner: Exe Exe Garden

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: GoatLady GoatLady Garden

No perennial plantings

not enough data on spaghetti squash to predict
Perennials: chives chives

not enough data on curry plant to predict
owner: Swa Swa Garden

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: jdulaney jdulaney Garden
Perennials: grape

No annual plantings

Perennials: thyme thyme

not enough data on okra to predict

not enough data on okra to predict
Displaying gardens 217 - 252 of 1084 in total