
Everyone's gardens

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Displaying gardens 73 - 108 of 1110 in total

Perennials: Alpine strawberry Alpine strawberry

No annual plantings

owner: flatfood flatfood balcony farm
Perennials: purslane mint mint

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions
owner: nosmo nosmo Balcony garden
Perennials: perpetual spinach

No annual plantings

owner: alison alison Balcony Garden
Perennials: parsley mint mint oregano

No annual plantings

Perennials: thyme thyme

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: merskin merskin Ballantyne
Perennials: apple apple

No annual plantings

owner: Skud Skud Ballarat backyard, zone 2
Perennials: apple apple plum plum nasturtium

squash squash
harvesting now
not enough data on squash to predict
owner: Skud Skud Ballarat front yard
Perennials: rosemary rosemary

No annual plantings

Perennials: banana lemon

No annual plantings

owner: Dan Dan Bath Tub 1
Perennials: blackberry blackberry strawberry strawberry

No annual plantings

owner: Dan Dan Bath Tub 2
Perennials: blueberry blueberry strawberry strawberry

No annual plantings

owner: Dan Dan Bath Tub 3
Perennials: hardy kiwifruit strawberry strawberry

No annual plantings

owner: dust dust bed 1
Perennials: chives chives

No annual plantings

Perennials: cardoon

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

not enough data on turnip to predict
owner: gregoryo gregoryo Bed 2: driveway
Perennials: rosemary rosemary

No annual plantings

owner: Dan Dan Bed 3

No perennial plantings

not enough data on watermelon to predict

No perennial plantings

not enough data on chicory to predict
Perennials: nasturtium parsley

No annual plantings

owner: Rai Rai Bee Garden
Perennials: catnip

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

not enough data on mizuna to predict
owner: Spadix Spadix Big path patch
Perennials: Welsh onion

No annual plantings

owner: krh krh Blueberry Bushes
Perennials: blueberry blueberry

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: nodosa nodosa Budding food garden
Perennials: blueberry blueberry parsley bay laurel hazelnut walnut artichoke artichoke artichoke artichoke goji berry

not enough data on Amelanchier to predict

red kuri squash red kuri squash
harvesting now
not enough data on red kuri squash to predict

not enough data on melon to predict

not enough data on melon to predict
owner: Mordae Mordae Cash Crop Plot
Perennials: chives chives apple mint apple mint mint mint

No annual plantings

Displaying gardens 73 - 108 of 1110 in total