
Squash planter

Garden progress

squash squash
harvesting now
not enough data on squash to predict

kabocha kabocha
5 weeks until harvest
Oct 2024

heirloom tomato heirloom tomato
1 weeks until harvest
Jan 2025

genovese basil
harvesting now
Oct 2024

Thai basil Thai basil
6 weeks until harvest
Nov 2024

sunflower sunflower
3 weeks until harvest
Oct 2024

yellow summer squash yellow summer squash
harvesting now
not enough data on yellow summer squash to predict

Current plantings in garden

Current activities in garden

Nothing is currently planned here.

Suggestioned companions

chives chives pomegranate

Previously planted in this garden

Nothing has been planted here.

photo of this garden

About this garden

Owner: milki

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Area: 32.0 square feet

Garden type: raised bed