certified organic
non-certified GMO-free
25 seedsPlant before
2017-10-01Days until maturity
110–140 daysWill trade
nowhere (from Perth, Western Australia)Notes
Pumpkin, Jarrahdale (Cucurbita maxima) Popular market variety. Excellent fruit, large grey-skinned deep orange flesh, easy to cut and peel. Originating in W.A. Large vine, good keeper. 110-140 days Pumpkins generally: Summer vine, originating from the America. Fruit kept for winter eating. For seed saving it is best to grow only one variety within 2km. Can save seeds from ripe fruit when eating. Likes rich soil. Harvest as vine dies off and stem dries out. Sow after last frost
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pumpkin Cucurbita spp.
Median Lifespan 149 days
First harvest expected 148 days after planting
Last harvest expected 152 days after planting