
habanero pepper Habanero Pepper seeds

certified organic
non-certified GMO-free


30 seeds

Plant before


Days until maturity

75–75 days

Will trade

nowhere (from Perth, Western Australia)


(Capsicum chinense) Dark green ripening to orange, the hottest home garden chilli, 50mm wrinkled tapered lantern shaped fruit, used fresh or dried in sauces, salsa, chutney and pickled, short spreading plant. 75 days. Heat 10/10. Space rows 90-120cm, space plants 40-50cm, sowing depth 0.6cm, best soil temp 18C-35C.

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Image of habanero pepper

habanero pepper Capsicum chinense

Median Lifespan 152 days

First harvest expected 53 days after planting

Last harvest expected 72 days after planting