certified organic
non-certified GMO-free
50 seedsPlant before
2017-10-01Days until maturity
72–85 daysWill trade
nowhere (from Perth, Western Australia)Notes
Eggplant, Black Beauty (Solanum melongena) Old standard, purplish-black smooth oval fruit to 160mm, fine flavour, bushy spreading plant to 80cm., does well in southern areas. From India, developed in Spain in 16th century. Growing conditions as for tomato, though Eggplant needs a longer growing season, treat as perennial in warmer climates, annual in cooler areas. Can sow indoors up to 8 weeks before transplanting, harden for one week by taking off heat and put in full sun. Picking regularly encourages production. Sow early spring.
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eggplant Solanum melongena
Median Lifespan 119 days
First harvest expected 76 days after planting
Last harvest expected 139 days after planting