Cucumber seeds 2015-09-28
certified organic
non-certified GMO-free
22 seedsPlant before
2017-10-01Days until maturity
60–70 daysWill trade
nowhere (from Perth, Western Australia)Notes
First cultivated in India at least 3000 years ago. Summer salad vegetable, known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Likes rich well drained soil, though not heavily fertilized, add lime to obtain pH of 6.5. Keep moist. Can sow indoors 5 weeks before planting, take care not to damage roots, shallow roots also damaged with cultivation. Best grown on trellis and planted where it gets no overhead watering. Sow after frost.
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cucumber Cucumis sativus
Median Lifespan 121 days
First harvest expected 82 days after planting
Last harvest expected 122 days after planting