Brandywine Tomato
60 seedsPlant before
2017-08-01Days until maturity
80–100 daysWill trade
nowhere (from Perth, Western Australia)Notes
(Lycopersicon esculentum) Old Amish heirloom, large flat solid pinkish fruit to 12cm, with few seeds, mild non-acid taste. Excellent flavour sliced, known since 1885, named after the local creek, climbing. 80-100 days. Originates from the Andes and cultivated in Central America. Suppresses couch grass, high in vitamin C, companion to parsley. Prefers open sunny positions. Sensitive to frosts. Water in furrows rather than overhead to reduce disease, declines if waterlogged. Does well on light to heavy soils with good drainage and high organic and phosphorus. Sow anytime in frost free areas, can sow indoors 5 weeks before transplanting in cooler areas or after last frost.
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brandywine tomato Solanum lycopersicum
Median Lifespan 191 days
First harvest expected 171 days after planting