Brassica oleracea (acephala)
Planted 2014-10-29
First harvest expected 2014-12-02
Finished 2015-05-24
Planted by ypgarden
view all ypgarden's plantingsPlanted in Garden
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Oct 2014Progress
207/207 daysQuantity
12 seedlingsGrown from
seedlingGrown in
May 2015Notes
204-10-29: Planted 4 kale in earthbox (with spinach and garlic) on north-facing balcony. Planted 2 with herbs in railing basket on north-facing balcony.
2015-01-19: Got a different variety of kale. Planted 1 kale with lemon tree and 1 kale in separate pot on south-facing balcony. Planted 3 kale in second earthbox (with broccoli) on north-facing balcony.
2015-01-25: Harvested some of the first round of kale.
2015-05-02: Harvested most of the remaining kale. (Harvested several other times since the last update, and some regrew.)
2015-05-24: We actually have a bit of one kale left, since it keeps re-growing, but the others are all past done.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
kale Brassica oleracea (acephala)
Median Lifespan 187 days
First harvest expected 34 days after planting
Last harvest expected 118 days after planting
World Neighbours
planted by alittleheadache in West Berkeley, CA
planted by sesmith in Fort Bragg, California
planted by gretchening in Madison, WI
planted by Unalmas in Somerville, MA
seedlings planted by Dharlette in The Castro
planted by Rico in Benicia, CA, USAOther kale plantings at the same latitude