Bell Pepper
capsicum annuum
Planted 2013-05-04
First harvest expected 2013-08-17
Finished 2013-12-28
Planted by ypgarden
view all ypgarden's plantingsPlanted in Garden
View other plantings, members and more near Mountain View, CA
May 2013Progress
238/238 daysQuantity
4Grown from
unknownGrown in
Dec 2013Notes
Hand-written tag reads "1/11 Pepper, Red beauty".
2013-07-28: First few (of many!) peppers eaten while still green.
2013-08-20: First fully red pepper.
2013-09-22: Eating and giving away lots of bell peppers.
2013-10-07: Picked and pureed the last of the ripe peppers. The plant is still growing new peppers and flowering, but it is also shedding leaves.
2013-12-28: Retired (so we could reuse the pot). The plants had another dozen peppers still on them, in varying stages of ripeness.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
Save seedsNo seeds saved
Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
bell pepper capsicum annuum
Median Lifespan 188 days
First harvest expected 105 days after planting
Last harvest expected 129 days after planting
World Neighbours
bell pepper
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bell pepper
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