Finished Wasabi Wasabia japonica
Planted by wrdnrd
view all wrdnrd's plantingsPlanted in Rivendell — Balcony
View other plantings, members and more near UDistrict, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
2Grown from
unknownGrown in
unknown dateNotes
I bought my 2 wasabi starts last spring from Raintree Nursery. Got them into a pot almost immediately – need to find the date they arrived for my Growstuff records.
This february (2013) all of a sudden they hit an amazing growth-spurt – i had no idea that wasabi flowers until it went and flowered!! :D I can't wait to dig them up to see how the roots are doing.
Thennnnn both plants died in 2014. :( I believe this was largely a consequence of our moving from the apartment to our new place. I tried to replant several things in a short time frame and think i did something of a crappy job with the wasabi.
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
wasabi Wasabia japonica
World Neighbours
planted by piranha in East Coast, Central Vancouver Island, BC, CanadaOther wasabi plantings at the same latitude