Spinach Spinacia oleracea
FinishedPlanted 2014-01-29
First harvest expected 2014-04-09
Finish expected 2014-05-30
Planted by shadawyn
view all shadawyn's plantingsPlanted in Grow Lights
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Jan 2014Progress
4011/121 daysQuantity
16 seedsGrown from
seedGrown in
not specifiedFinished
unknown dateNotes
We had hideously bad luck last year with our spinach. IF it germinated (and most didn't), it didn't get taller than an inch before it was dead or vanished. I tried it time and time again over the course of the growing season–no dice. We believe this was a combination of soil, birds, and ants.
But spinach is a favorite of the family menu, so I'm going to try it from all angles this year–Grow Lights, wintersowing, different beds in different parts of the yard… and here's the first set :)
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
spinach Spinacia oleracea
Median Lifespan 121 days
First harvest expected 70 days after planting
Last harvest expected 88 days after planting
World Neighbours
planted by epersonae in Olympia, WA USA
seeds planted by shadawyn in Seattle
planted by lhagemann in New Hampshire, USA
seeds planted by wrdnrd in UDistrict, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
planted by Unalmas in Somerville, MA
seeds planted by shadawyn in SeattleOther spinach plantings at the same latitude