
raspberry Raspberry Rubus idaeus

Harvest months: We need more data on this crop in your latitude. There's not enough info yet to predict harvests. in Santa Clarita, CA

Planted by oakandsage

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Planted in Orchard

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May 2015


4 advanced plants


Planting is still growing today

Grown from

advanced plant

Grown in




4 different varieties. 2 golden (1 everbearing, 1 junebearing); 1 red everbearing; 1 black (planted well away from the others in a different part of the orchard).

I didn't really mark them well to tell which is which (except the black one of course). Shortly after planting them there was an unexpected hot spell and they got really stressed and one I think is dead and another is not doing too well but is hanging on; the other 2 are looking really happy though. I hope they do well… I love raspberries!

UPDATE: As of 3/21/2016 the surviving raspberries have leafed out after the winter!


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No harvests recorded

Seeds saved

No seeds saved

Current activities for planting

Nothing is currently planned here.