Beet Beta vulgaris
FinishedPlanted 2013-04-06
First harvest expected 2013-08-25
Finish expected 2013-08-25
Planted by melannen
view all melannen's plantingsPlanted in Starter Pots
View other plantings, members and more near Maryland
Apr 2013Progress
4309/141 daysQuantity
20Grown from
unknownGrown in
unknown dateNotes
These are in peat pots for now; will be moved to one of the plots if they actually sprout. (This is my first time with beets, I have no idea what will happen.)
All transplanted to the bed by the fence! All but two of the seeds came up - many with more than one plant.
Thinned in late May; and by 'thinned' I mean 'did not have the heart to kill seedlings I had nursed from earliest childhood; attempted to transplant instead'. There are now 20 in this bed, from the original 13; the transplantees are alive but not thriving.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
Save seedsNo seeds saved
Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
beet Beta vulgaris
Median Lifespan 141 days
First harvest expected 141 days after planting
Last harvest expected 123 days after planting
World Neighbours
seeds planted by leahleah in Columbus, OH
seeds planted by shadawyn in Seattle
planted by sesmith in Fort Bragg, California
planted by BoxOfDirt in Herndon, VA
planted by BoxOfDirt in Herndon, VA
planted by carene in London, Ontario, CanadaOther beet plantings at the same latitude