Malus domestica
Harvest months:
We need more data on this crop in your latitude. There's not enough
info yet to predict harvests.
Apr 2015Quantity
5 bare root plantsGrowing
Planting is still growing todayGrown from
bare root plantGrown in
1 - Jonagold on Supporter 4 rootstock, moved from back of yard. Grafted 2010, originally planted from pot F2014. Source Hahn Nursery. 2 - Black Oxford on Bud 9 dwarf stock - source Fedco Trees. bareroot. Planted 2015 & 2017. 1 - Northern Spy on Bud 9 dwarf stock - source Fedco Trees. bareroot. Planted 2015. 1 - Honeycrisp on Bud 9 - source Fedco Trees. bareroot. Planted 2017.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
Save seedsNo seeds saved
Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
apple Malus domestica
First harvest expected 2050 days after planting
World Neighbours
Other apple plantings at the same latitude