Okra Abelmoschus esculentus
Planted 2013-04-07
Harvest months:
We need more data on this crop in your latitude. There's not enough
info yet to predict harvests.
in Dale, TX
Planted by delladea
view all delladea's plantingsPlanted in Garden
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Apr 2013Quantity
Planting is still growing todayGrown from
unknownGrown in
We've actually had to replant our okra twice because of some weird weather here in Texas that caused the last freeze to occur way later than it normally does.
Last year we had more okra than we knew what to do with. I think I was cooking it almost every night for dinner and we had some to put away as okra pickles. This year we didn't plant nearly as many okra plants as we did last year.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
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Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
okra Abelmoschus esculentus
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