Lemon Thyme
Thymus citriodorus
Planted 2015-04-04
Finished 2015-06-10
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Harvest months:
We need more data on this crop in your latitude. There's not enough
info yet to predict harvests.
in 3706 N Alaska, 97217
Planted by auwillia
view all auwillia's plantingsPlanted in Around the garden shed
View other plantings, members and more near 3706 N Alaska, 97217
Apr 2015Progress
67/67 daysQuantity
2 advanced plantsGrown from
advanced plantGrown in
Jun 2015Notes
I hope these do okay here. I'm not sure if this variety is hardy, or if it just doesn't like clay soil. I planted these one on either side of the steps to the shed, where I really don't want anything bushy that will threaten the bleeding hearts.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
Save seedsNo seeds saved
Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
lemon thyme Thymus citriodorus
Median Lifespan 67 days
World Neighbours
Other lemon thyme plantings at the same latitude