
piranha's gardens

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Growstuff helps you track what you're harvesting from your home garden and see how productive it is.

Displaying all 3 gardens

Back Garden
Perennials: valerian sorrel apple apple wasabi

not enough data on nettle to predict

not enough data on cicely to predict
Front Garden
Perennials: artichoke artichoke chives chives garlic chives garlic chives lemon balm lemon balm lemon verbena lemon verbena marjoram marjoram mint mint nasturtium oregano parsley plum plum rosemary rosemary sage sage sage sage

not enough data on stevia to predict

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions

set "planted" date to allow predictions
gothic lolita

No perennial plantings

not enough data on amaranth to predict
Displaying all 3 gardens