

Our acreage is bordered by wild blackberries. In August/September 2013, we were out picking them more than an hour every night and keeping them trimmed like hedges to make it easier. We invited friends over and sent them home with gallons of them. We still have 10 gallons in our freezer. There were pies, jams, and anything else we could shove them into. Despite all of our efforts, near the end we just left them to the birds. Seriously, seriously overwhelming.

But, right now, they're our main source of fruit while the orchard and domestic berries are establishing. We also have thimbleberries on our property, although not in such awe-inspiring amounts.

Garden progress

Current plantings in garden

Current activities in garden

Nothing is currently planned here.

Suggestioned companions

horseradish walnut

Previously planted in this garden

Nothing has been planted here.

photo of this garden

About this garden

Owner: shadawyn

Collaborators: None

Location: Seattle

Area: 1.0 acre

shadawyn's gardens

Inactive gardens