Rambha's Heaven
This garden is inactive.
West London municipal allotment garden, Triangular in shape, in a slight dip and mainly south facing. There is a hedge on the North West and North East Side. The hedge is mainly oak with some clematis climbing through. The South side is open and the garden is in sun for 2/3rds of the day. The soil is clay mineral based which has had a reasonable amount of home made compost added. Fairly fertile, slightly heavy when when and prone to capping.
Current plantings in garden
Nothing is currently planted here.
Current activities in garden
Nothing is currently planned here.
Previously planted in this garden
Nothing has been planted here.
About this garden
Owner: KarenPeck
Collaborators: None
Location: Osterley, on the outskirts of South West London
Area: 40.0 square metres
KarenPeck's gardens
Inactive gardens
- Doug's' big one
- Dougs Middle one
- Rambha's Heaven