Dougs Middle one
Standard municipal allotment garden, Next door to Dougs big one. Top 1/4 is overhung by mature oak trees so this area of the garden is difficult to cultivate, Directly under the trees is the shed/ sitting area and all the stuff that goes with cultivating a large vegetable garden Soil is Clay based mineral soil, heavy in places and prone to waterlogging in wet weather. This garden houses a 10 metre poly tunnel and a small glass greenhouse. At the bottom end is a high brick wall and in the shade of the wall is a small pond.
Current plantings in garden
Nothing is currently planted here.
Current activities in garden
Nothing is currently planned here.
Previously planted in this garden
Nothing has been planted here.
About this garden
Owner: KarenPeck
Collaborators: None
Location: Osterley, on the outskirts of South West London
Area: 40.0 square metres
KarenPeck's gardens
Inactive gardens
- Doug's' big one
- Dougs Middle one
- Rambha's Heaven