
The afternoon sun garden

A strip along the NW side of the house, only gets afternoon sun, and generally only later in the day. Gets very hot, stays dry, and not much seems to want to grow here, even though the soil is better. One lemon verbena, some tulips, and a lonely hyacinth seem to like it. One "Easter" lily is doing fine back under the eaves. The thyme, sage, rosemary, and dill did not. Even the parsley was unhappy. Grew some lovely borage last year. I'm hoping it returns. Moved some easter lilies in next to the lemon verbena.

Garden progress

Current plantings in garden

Current activities in garden

Nothing is currently planned here.

Previously planted in this garden


rosemary rosemary
borage borage
photo of this garden

About this garden

Owner: auwillia

Collaborators: None

Location: 3706 N Alaska, 97217

Inactive gardens