Wood Sorrel Oxalis
How to sow wood sorrel: Direct seed outdoors, direct seed bulbs, or divide existing patch
Sun requirement for wood sorrel: Plant in Partial Sun
Wood Sorrel has been planted 1 time by Growstuff members.
Wood Sorrel is a genus of over 300 small flowering plant species around the world. Plants are annual or perennial and often have three leaflets. Due to oxalic acid, the edible leaves have an acidic taste like Sorrel (Rumex acetosa), which they are unrelated to. Flowers have five petals and can be white, pink, red, or yellow. The fleshy, juicy tubers of Oca (O. tuberosa) are edible. Wood Sorrel spreads by rhizomes and can become invasive. Bermuda buttercup, buttercup oxalis or yellow oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae) and creeping wood sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) are invasive weeds in California and should not be planted outdoors there.

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