
Vietnamese Coriander Persicaria odorata

How to sow Vietnamese coriander: Stem cuttings

Sun requirement for Vietnamese coriander: Plant in Full Sun

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Vietnamese Coriander (also known as Vietnamese Mint or Cilantro) is a perennial herb whose leaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking. Leaves have spicy, peppery flavor with hints of cilantro and are added to soups, salads, stews, and summer rolls. Vietnamese Coriander resembles mint in appearance and fragrance, but it is not related to mint or a member of the Lamiaceae (Mint) family. The plant has pointed leaves that are dark green on top and burgundy red beneath. Vietnamese Coriander needs a subtropical to tropical environment with warm, damp conditions. It can be grown in containers and brought indoors in the winter in cooler regions.

Image of Vietnamese coriander



living and reproducing in a single year or less




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