Mentha spicata
How to sow spearmint: Direct seed. If planting indoors, harden off before transplanting seedlings outside.
Sun requirement for spearmint: Plant in Full Sun
Spearmint has been planted 18 times by Growstuff members.
Spearmint is a variety of mint that has a more delicate, sweet flavor than Peppermint. Like Peppermint, Spearmint is a perennial herb with square-shaped stems and pink, purple, or white flowers. Mint is often grown in pots to prevent it from overtaking the garden with its invasive, spreading rhizome root structure. The leaves are most aromatic before the plant flowers and can be used fresh, dried, or frozen. Mint's strongly scented leaves confuse the pests of carrots, tomatoes, alliums, and brassicas, and deter flea beetles.

living more than two yearsFirst harvest expected
9 weeks after plantingHeight
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shiny harvested not specified.
about 7 years ago.
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