Shishito Pepper Capsicum annuum
How to sow shishito pepper: Direct seed indoors, transplant seedlings outside after hardening off
Sun requirement for shishito pepper: Plant in Full Sun
Shishito Pepper has been planted 8 times by Growstuff members.
Shishito peppers are mild, thin-walled, slightly sweet peppers native to East Asia. They are small, slender peppers, usually 5-10cm long, with slightly wrinkled flesh. They have a Scoville rating of 50-200, but about 1 in 10 peppers can be significantly spicy. Shishitos are usually harvested while still green and unripe, but they can be left on the plant to ripen and turn orange and red. Shishitos are popular in Japan and Korea and are often grilled, roasted, sautéed, or fried into tempura.
living and reproducing in a single year or lessMedian lifespan
15 weeksFirst harvest expected
12 weeks after plantingHeight
75cmRow Spacing
Shishito pepper crops
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Shishito pepper harvests
milki harvested 2, weighing 0.016 kg.
over 1 year ago.
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