Red Kuri Squash
Cucurbita maxima
How to sow red kuri squash: Direct sow inside or outdoors. Transplant seedlings after hardening off.
Sun requirement for red kuri squash: Plant in Full Sun
Red Kuri Squash has been planted 2 times by Growstuff members.
Red Kuri is a teardrop-shaped winter squash with thick, smooth, deep-orange to red skin. It's firm flesh has a delicate chestnut-like flavor and is good baked, roasted, or in pies and purees. Like other members of the squash family, it grows on a vine. Each vine produces around three squash.

living and reproducing in a single year or lessFirst harvest expected
75 weeks after plantingLast harvest expected
75 weeks after plantingHeight
210cmRow Spacing
Red kuri squash crops
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corvi harvested not specified.
over 4 years ago.
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