Pomelo Citrus maxima
How to sow pomelo: Transplant grafted sapling
Sun requirement for pomelo: Plant in Full Sun
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The Pomelo, or Pamplemousse, is an evergreen citrus tree that produces fruit of the same name. The Pomelo is one of the four original citrus fruits (the others are citron, mandarin and papeda) from which all other citrus types developed or were hybridized. Trees have a rounded crown, multiple branches, white flowers, and ovate to elliptic glossy green leaves. Fruit are pale green to yellow when ripe and have white, yellow, or pink flesh surrounded by a very thick pith. Pomelo are the largest citrus fruit and can be 15-25 cm in diameter and weigh 1-2 kg. They have a slight pear shape and taste like a sweet, mild grapefruit with none of the grapefruit's bitterness. Pomelos do best in tropical and sub-tropical climates with abundant rainfall. They cannot survive temperatures at or below -3.3° C.
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